Barbell Tipping Simulator 2023

Enjoy this overbuilt yet underbuilt barbell tipping simulator. Built using THREE.js.

How much weight needs to be on one side of the bar before it tips over?

The answer is slightly more than three plates (45 pounds each, so a combined 135 lbs) on one end with nothing on the other.

Note that you need to be cautious when unloading that third plate, since sliding it off the end of the bar is enough to tip it.

I think about this question when I unrack plates for squats. I’ve only seen a bar tip once before, and it was with a lighter EZ-curl bar with heavy plates on it.

How much does the center of gravity of the bar change with an extra five pounds on one side?

It shifts the center of gravity by around 1.5 cm, which is about 0.6 inches.

This question usually comes up during my bench press, whenever I can’t find two 2.5 lb plates to progress my bench by 5 lbs. I am often tempted to add a 5 lb plate to one side, and either offset my grip or alternate the side I add it to between sets.

The one time I tried this, I was already tired and one side felt noticeably heavier than the other. I have not tried it again since.